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World of Women is a collection of 10,000 NFTs that gives you full access to our network of artists, creators, entrepreneurs, and executives who are championing diversity and equal opportunity on the blockchain.

Created and illustrated by Yam Karkai (@ykarkai), World of Women has made prominent appearances at Christie’s, The New Yorker and Billboard.

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The Time is WoW.

The project was spearheaded by Yam Karkai, a renowned artist, and a team passionate about promoting women’s representation in the blockchain space. Each WoW NFT is a digitally hand-drawn and one-of-a-kind piece of art depicting a diverse range of women.

One of the distinctive elements of the World of Women project is its commitment to supporting women through its dedicated WOW Fund. A percentage of all primary sales and secondary market royalties go directly into this fund, which supports women-focused initiatives and charities.

NFT Collection

Discover the strength, beauty, and diversity of womanhood with the World of Women NFT collection. Boasting 10,000 hand-drawn pieces of art, each unique and meticulously created, World of Women stands as a beacon of empowerment and inclusivity in the NFT world.
